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Entertainment & Artists for cultural events in Ammerswil AG

9 Entries
9 Entries
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Bühnenshows & Walking-Acts für (fast) jeden Anlass
Fritz Mack - Jonglage, Akrobatik, Feuershow & Walking-Act

Der vielseitige Artist zeigt verschiedene Shows und Nummern: Im Programm (Auszug): - Toccata in Flammen: Feuershow zu klassischer Musik in klassischer und rockiger Interprettion. -...

Ammerswil AG

Within the radius of 20km

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Zwei Sängerinnen und die besten Schweizer Songs
SWISSTERS - Die Band für ein breites Publikum

Swissters präsentiert das neue Eventprogramm:Die erfolgreichsten Schweizer-Songs der letzten Jahre in einer Show! Modern und neu arrangiert, zweistimmig präsentiert von einer top professionellen Band und...

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Give Your Event That Certain Something
Music for your Event

Professionalism guarantees you an absolutely successful and unforgettable event. The right choice of live music is crucial for a successful celebration and represents an essential...

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Luca G - Mentalist
Luca G - Mentalist

Mit über einer halben Million Abonnenten auf Social Media und mehr als 200 Millionen Aufrufen ist der Schweizer Luca G einer der meistgeklickten Mentalisten im...

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Finest Latin Music
Acoustic Corazon Latino

In kür­zes­ter Zeit hat sich die For­ma­ti­on Corazón La­ti­no ei­nen klin­gen­den Na­men in der Schweiz und im an­gren­zen­den Aus­land ge­schaf­fen, der über die rei­ne Sal­sa­sze­ne...

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Tänze aus Asien und Bauchtanz
Chinesischer und orientalischer Tanz - Dances of the Orient

Dances of the Orient bietet ein breites Repertoire an chinesischen und orientalischen Tänzen an. Als eine der wenigen professionellen chinesischen Tänzerinnen passt Julie wunderbar zu...


Within the radius of 50km

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Teamevents mit extravaganter Note
Traumzeit Revue Show Gruppen Angebote

Möchtet ihr eurem Teamevent eine extravagante Note verleihen? Dann taucht gemeinsam mit uns ein in die faszinierende Welt der "Traumzeit"-Revue! Diese atemberaubende Travestie-Show, vollgepackt mit...

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Erlesene Komik

Das junge Duo verblüfft mit einer komplett neuen Kleinkunstform! Eine simple Idee – genial umgesetzt: Sprechen heisst bei OHNE ROLF Blättern. Die auf 1000 Plakate...


Within the radius of 100km

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Bühne | Tischzauberei | Magie | Moderationen
Lionel - Zauberer & Moderator

Das Schönste für Lionel ist dem Publikum das Staunen zu schenken. Magie, Komik, Artistik und ein einzigartiger Dialekt verschmelzen bei Lionels Auftritten zu einem magischen...


Service providers / Suppliers

Are you still looking for suitable event service providers for your event?

At EventButler, you'll find numerous service providers from different categories in addition to event locations and event ideas.

Do you need professional support in planning and implementing your event? In the category Event Agencies, you'll find numerous specialized agencies - from wedding agencies to outdoor and incentive specialists to full-service agencies for the entire organization of events.

Are you looking for a creative caterer for the culinary highlights of your event? In the category Catering & Delivery Service, you'll find numerous event and business caterers, personal chefs, providers of cooking courses for team events, and other catering professionals.

Entertainment also plays an important role in events. In the category Entertainment & Artists, you'll find a wide selection of entertainers. Whether you're looking for a DJ, clown, moderator, singer, or dancer, or even a specialized artist agency: you'll find them all on EventButler.

Perhaps the event location lacks furniture, a sound system, or a disco ball. In the category Furniture, Technology & Transport, you'll find event professionals for event technology, event furniture, trade fair construction, transport, and other logistics partners.

To ensure that the best moments of your event are still present after the event, photographers and multimedia specialists provide lasting memories. You'll find numerous event and wedding photographers as well as specialists in sound and image in the category Photography & Multimedia.

Decoration professionals create visual highlights. In the Decoration & Flowers category, you will find numerous professional providers who can help you create a unique ambiance for you and your guests.

Do you still need external staff for your event? In the event management / personell, you will find specialized staff according to your needs: service staff, hostesses, promoters, or security personnel. Get the support you need.

In addition to these mentioned event service providers, there are other providers who can support you before, during, or after the event. Are you looking for partners for ticketing, clothing, games, customer gifts, or cleaning institutes? You will find numerous specialized providers in the category of additional event services.

Click here for direct access to event service providers

Have you already found the right event service providers and still need a special event location or a creative event idea/activity? EventButler also has the right offers for you here.

Click here for direct access to event locations

Click here for direct access to event ideas